
The Federal Senate has issued specific accreditation for the access of journalists, photographers, camera crews, and technicians to the National Congress Palace for the coverage of the presidential inauguration, on January 1st, 2023, at 3pm. Applications are now closed.

Check below the recommendations for the work of accredited professionals.


  • Credentials must be picked up between December 26th and 30th, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, at the Press Accreditation Sector, Annex 2 – Ground Floor. The withdrawal can be individual or joint. In this case, the person responsible for the retrieval must present an official letter from the company with the respective designation, which contains his/her name and identification number.
  • Press entry for coverage of the National Congress Solemn Session for the presidential inauguration, on January 1, 2023, will take place exclusively through Annex 2 of the Federal Senate, from 11 am to 2 pm.
  • Press professionals will be able to use the Senate parking lot, with access exclusively through Via N3 (SEN – Setor de Embaixadas Norte, in front of the Embassy of Palestine), upon presentation of the event's credential. On site, vans will be available for travel to Annex II of the Senate.
  • Teams from the Federal Senate and the Chamber of Deputies will welcome the press professionals in each of the sectors, which will be clearly signaled.
  • In the areas reserved for the press, the following will be available: TV monitors to follow the session, power strips to charge mobile devices and laptops, hand sanitizer dispensers (70% alcohol gel), and drinking water (each professional should bring an individual container, since disposable cups will not be provided). The access to restrooms, located near each press area should be use up to one hour before the ceremony.
  • The cafeteria of the Green Hall and vending machines will be available during the event. Nevertheless, it is recommended that each professional bring their own food.
  • In the Green Hall, a big screen will be installed and platforms will be made available to facilitate the work of photographers and camera crews.
  • To access the Wi-Fi network of the Chamber of Deputies, connect to the CD-VISITANTES network. The network will be accessible throughout the Chamber of Deputies building, including the Green Hall, the Black Hall, and the Cloakroom.
  • Production vehicles linked to the TV stations must be parked in Annex 1 of the Chamber of Deputies on December 30, from 8 am to 6 pm, upon presentation of the credentials of all professionals involved in the operation.
  • Attire – Men must wear a suit and tie. Photographers must wear a dress shirt, tie and vest.


The sectors available for press coverage are:


  • The credential is personal and non-transferable.
  • Professionals must be aware of the sector cleared by their credential, because they will not be allowed to circulate across sectors. Each credential authorizes stay and access to the designated sector only.
  • Misuse of the credential may result in its withdrawal and removal of its holder from the areas of the National Congress, as well as civil and penal liability.


  • According to the Federal Senate Police, there will be no restriction on journalists' bags and equipment entering the National Congress premises, but there will be security inspection.
  • There will be security blockades in all locations 30 minutes before the arrival of the presidential motorcade at the National Congress Palace and the clearing will only occur after the authorities enter the Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies. There will also be an interruption of movement in the internal spaces on the way out of the presidential motorcade.
  • Use of the special credential for the inauguration is personal and non-transferable. In the event of cancellation, suspension, removal, or replacement of its holder, the requesting media outlet must inform the fact to the Press Accreditation Sector and return the credential. If the credential is lost, the fact must be immediately registered in a police report and communicated to the Federal Senate Police Department.


  • Access to the Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies will not be allowed.
  • No access will be allowed to the Press Gallery.