The Federal Senate of Brazil will perform a specific accreditation of journalists, photographers, camera crews, and communication technicians to the Palace of the National Congress to cover the presidential inauguration. The ceremony will take place on January 1, 2019. To this end, the interested media companies must request the credentials until December 18, 2018. Given the characteristics of the spaces, there will be a limited number of credentials.

  • Please note that access to the location will be granted exclusively to professionals accredited for the ceremony. Other credentials, including those that normally grant access to the Houses of Congress, will not be accepted on that day. Access to the Planalto Palace and Itamaraty Palace requires specific credentials that must be requested.
  • Pay attention to the rules currently in force for press coverage (Act No. 11/2017).
  • For the professionals already accredited to work at the Federal Senate, it is only necessary that the media company sends a correspondence requesting the special accreditation to the e-mail:
  • The intended sector for this professional must also be stated in the request.
  • Journalistic companies whose professionals are not accredited by the Federal Senate or are registered only in the Chamber of Deputies must fill in and sign the press accreditation form for the 2019 presidential inauguration. That form must be sent together with the form of each professional, accompanied by a 3X4 photo (color, front-on, with a white background and minimum resolution of 300 DPI) and copies of the documents of the person to be accredited.
  • TV and radio stations wishing to make a live broadcast must also fill in a specific form and register their "link trucks", if any, that will make such coverage. An e-mail must be sent, informing the license plate, brand, color and model of the vehicle. The driver and technicians who will stay in the vehicle must also be registered. In this case, sending the name and a copy of a photo ID of each person should suffice. These professionals will be registered but will not be granted access to the National Congress building. In case it is necessary for one of the technicians to enter the building, his/her accreditation must be requested as described above.
  • All forms must be sent to:
  • Credentials will be delivered between December 26 and 28 2018, from 9am to 5pm, at the Police Department of the Federal Senate.


The sectors available for press coverage are:

  1. Ramp and outside area of the Chapelaria (underground entrance to the Congress building, in case of rain) – color: blue — this sector should be occupied by camera crews and photographers;
  2. White Hall (internal area of the Chapelaria) – color: salmon;
  3. Black Hall – color: black;
  4. Green Hall – color: green;
  5. Mezzanine of the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies – color: grey; and
  6. Gallery of the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies – color: orange (only photographers).
* The access rules to the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies will be informed later to news companies, after the mapping of available spaces.


  • Professionals must be attentive to the sector authorized by the credential. Circulation between the areas will not be allowed. Each credential authorizes access to and stay at the designated area only.
  • There will be security locks in all places 30 minutes prior to the arrival of the presidential entourage to the National Congress Palace, and the withdrawal of those security barriers will only occur after the authorities have joined the Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies. The internal circulation will also be interrupted when the presidential entourage leaves the building.
  • The use of the special credential for the inauguration is personal and non-transferable. In the event of cancellation, suspension, revocation or substitution of its holder, the requesting journalistic company must communicate the fact to the Inauguration Coordination and return the credential immediately.


The credentials are exclusive and must be requested by means of the appropriate form.
